Unitled Torch Game

Hello everyone, this is Devlog #1 and I am excited to show to you, what I could come up with.
So Untitled Torch Game will be a platformer. This is our protagonist:

Her name is Fiona, I created her inspired by aartifical, after seeing his Devlog about Astortion. I really recommend this devlog. I created Fiona in Aseprite, a program which I found really intuitive and easy to learn. I could come up with her after just 2 days of working in that program. You can support the developers by buying a license or they provide you with the source code and you can build it yourself. So I builded it myself just to try it out and I definitely consider buying a license, but it is nice that you can just try the software this way, before paying for it.

So, I made an Idle Animation,

A walk cycle

and a run cycle

After that I was looking for a good MovementController and I found the fantastic Controller from tarodev, which I tried and learned a lot from, by rewriting it. From then I wrote my own AnimationController, because I don't like working with the Unity Animator, especially with 2D animations. When all of this was working I knew I can go somewhere with it. But I had no idea for days.

Then I played around with lights and I had the idea, that Fiona could be in some dark place and she needed to hide from somebody, she could have a torch that she can use to see or flip it off to hide. This would be then a sneaky plattformer. I saw by chance a video from CodeMonkey on YouTube, he explaining how to create a Field of vison for your player. It was exactly what I was looking for. So I wrote myself a FOV and linked it with MovementController. The Result:

The purple cone represents the field of view the player has. With a certain input you can change the angle and distance. The up and down keys, in this case, help to see things upper lower. The capsule represents any object that will be hidden in the dark. This could be enemies, objects as decoration, items, collectibles. Just everything. The ground and box limits the field of view, as if blocking the light.
So to achieve this effect of being in the darkness I created a Custom Renderer and assigned the Field of vision as the mask and some objects as behind the mask. Like this I can easily manage what should be visible to the player and how.

After finishing my player that way and testing around. I created a little scene where the player can run around. Also I created an NPC (has the same texture as the player for the moment)  that will direct his Field of vision after the player. And I made little lamp.

So this is the result of 2 days designing a character, nearly 2 days of getting the MovementController and Animations done and 3 days to understand the Field of view and everything behind it. Then one last tiny day to make some screencasts and pictures to share them her.

Here is the result so far after, maybe a week or so, working on it:

Maybe it doesn't look like much, but I am really happy with how far I have come and I am looking forward to implement fun stuff around this FOV-mechanic. If you have any ideas or feedback please let me know.

I keep source control on github:

See ya.

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